Galina Jenkel
Specialist for internal medicine
- Study of human medicine and examination at the State Medical Institute in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Main lecturer at the Medical Academy and internist in various hospitals in Tashkent
- German specialist training at the Sana Clinic in Eutin, the Föhrenkamp Clinic in Mölln and the DRK Hospital in Ratzeburg
- Certificate of medical specialization: internal medicine (2013)
- Additional qualification: diabetology
- Internist in geriatrics at the Asklepios Clinic Bad Oldesloe and at the Gotthard-Schettler Clinic Bad Schönborn
- Working at MVZ Wiesloch since 2018
Specialist areas/qualifications
- Internal medicine
- Diabetology
Main areas of activity
- Diabetology
- GP (General Practitioner)
- German Diabetes Association
Galina Jenkel
Specialist for internal medicine
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