
Information according to § 5 TMG:

MVZ Wiesloch Dres. Bergdolt Partnership
Castle road 14
69168 Wiesloch

Represented by:

Dr. med. Holger Bergdolt


Regulatory Authority:

Medical Chamber of Baden-Württemberg

Job title: Doctors
Responsible chamber: District Medical Chamber North Baden
Awarded by: Germany
The following professional regulations apply: Professional code of conduct of the State Medical Association Baden-Württemberg

Details of professional indemnity insurance:

Name and registered office of the company:

Janitos Versicherung AG,
In the wide game 2-4,
69126 Heidelberg

Area of validity of the insurance: Germany

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Dr. med. Holger Bergdolt

Data protection officer: Hans Herget

Web hosting provider
BeforeSunrise™ Internet Agency e.K.
Wennigser Str. 1 b
30974 Wennigsen


Web Design:

Our practice is also available for you digitally!

Dear patients, to improve accessibility, we use medflex – a digital, direct and secure messenger service between you and our practice. After you register, you can conveniently reach our practice via text or photo messages. Safe, simple and straightforward. Register now for free

Dear patients,

On 23.12., 27.12. and 30.12.24, only the emergency outpatient clinic on the first floor will be open. The specialist departments will then be staffed again from 02.01.2025.

We thank you for your understanding, wish you happy holidays and a happy new year 2025!

Your team from MVZ-Wiesloch